For Photographers

shop & education

hi, i'm Jess

Turn Your Dream into Reality

In 2019 I found myself graduating nursing school during the Covid pandemic and not knowing what my future would look like. I dreaded 13 hour night shifts and long days on my feet. Taking photos was something I always loved to do but I had no idea I could make it a full time occupation. I decided to follow my passions and jump with both feet into photography. Now this is where I went wrong…. Instead of investing in education and mentorships, I learned everything I could through trial and error. It took many many years to learn all the things that I know now. So here is the first lesson you will learn from me, don’t make the mistake I did and invest in your education now!!! Let me help you by being your catalyst into creating an occupation out of photography. Because trust me… If I did it, YOU can too! Stop dreading waking up and working your 9-5 job. You can switch gears and occupations! I promise your future self will thank you!

Current Offerings


With personalized guidance and support, I will help you unlock your full potential and overcome obstacles. Whether you're looking to improve shooting techniques, client experience, or editing skills, together we'll craft a roadmap tailored to your aspirations.

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Lightroom Presets

Perfected over 4 years, my presets offer a clean, timeless, and warm style that never goes out of fashion. Designed for both photographers and casual users, these one-click presets transform any photo into a professional-looking image, capturing a colorful, nostalgic feel.

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